Tuesday, May 7, 2024


                         FOOD REVOLUTION

The fundamental necessities of life extend beyond the commonly cited essentials of "bread, clothing, and shelter", delving into the vital elements of "air, water, and food". These elements have undergone significant changes over time.

"Air" quality concerns have led to regulatory measures such as Delhi's odd-even vehicle policy, an initiative aimed at reducing vehicular pollution by allowing cars with odd and even number plates to ply on alternate days.

"Water" bodies, too, face challenges. Industrial pollutants continue to compromise the purity of rivers like the Yamuna, echoing the tale of Kalia Nag, a fictional character known for polluting the river in Krishna's story. This narrative is not far removed from reality, as many rivers endure similar fates due to unchecked industrial waste.

The integrity of our "food" is also at stake. The prevalence of pesticides and the extensive processing of foodstuffs raise concerns about the health implications of our diets. Pesticides, while protecting crops, can have adverse health effects if exposure exceeds safe levels, leading to potential acute poisoning or long-term issues such as cancer and reproductive harm.

In pursuit of cleaner "air", people often retreat to villages or natural havens, seeking the joy and health benefits that come with breathing untainted air. This quest underscores the intrinsic value of environmental conservation and the need for sustainable practices to safeguard our most basic human needs.

While "water" filters are now common in homes and alternative sources are readily accessible, the same cannot be said for food. The debate between promoting organic food and indulging in greasy delights continues. Yet, how often do we scrutinize the labels of the food we purchase? Do we know which preservatives are safe? 

The blame game is prevalent: consumers argue that if they stop buying, companies will change their products, while others believe companies should initiate the change. Meanwhile, many are simply preoccupied with the immediate pleasure of taste.

The proactive approach of "Food Pharmer" has led to a significant shift in the industry, compelling companies to modify their products and encouraging the public to read labels. This movement has even inspired children to engage in constructive activities. 

(for ref:- https://www.instagram.com/foodpharmer?igsh=MzRIODBiNWFIZA==)             

In the spirit of this collective effort, let's come together to pen a will. 

We are set to chronicle our legacy, capturing the essence of what we've received and what we shall bequeath to the forthcoming generation. Take, for instance, our culinary heritage: we've embraced the authenticity of traditional dishes while also integrating the flavors of Mexican and Thai cuisines. 

Alongside these, we've inherited certain unhealthy eating habits and ailments. This poses the question: are these the legacies we intend to pass down through our will to the next generation?

In a world where gigabytes(data plan) are scarce but still suffice, the real question is how to pass down high-quality air, water, and food as our legacy.

Think it.... Reform it...  

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